Cruising in an enchanted forest, a mirror-masked flâneur encounters a series of oracles, each with forgotten wisdom to impart to him through song. Borrowing the words and voices of gay elders from religious and mystical scholar Andrew Harvey to British essayist Quentin Crisp to founding Radical Faerie Harry Hay, Legacy weaves together a spiritual manifesto for queer men, reigniting a battle cry for personal and collective metamorphosis. 13 minutes.
Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay is an artist and diarist. His work in video, sound, and text contemplates the history of song, the rendering of love and emotion into language, and the resurrection and manipulation of voices from history – sung, spoken or screamed. Nemerofsky Ramsay’s work has been exhibited internationally, appearing in numerous private collections as well as the National Gallery of Canada.